surprisingly, we are equipped with creative subjects such as Teaching Visual Arts in Primary School. In this subject, we are exposed to variety of arts techniques. Therefore, we Love Our Homework for Visual Arts because we all together immersed during the activities! we smudged each other with ink and colours .. and we like it! =p
we like to enjoy ourselves just like children in school despite our age and even some already married. Being TESLians make us know no age! Enjoy whatever we have to achieve success .. afar..
and these are my final products! hahaha
wah2..sapekah kanak2 keding yg membuat tanda peace itu? sonok sgt ke visual arts nih? hmmm..
sonok time ramai2 kalut nk wat..
aku ni, lg la.. bukan org seni..
art ngn aku bagai langit dengan laut, warna seakan sama, tapi tidak pernah bersatu.
best wat art ni..haha...tapi im too exposed i 1 of ur pic..hahaha...comel2 kekawan kiter tu..hehe
memang cun lah ur art work tuh!!
~bile mau grad and posting ni..??
grad insyaAllah thn ni. posting august tp sblm tu kne attend praktikum starting april til july..
mana alyaa. tak main tiup-tiup ke. Ummi tahu alyaa suka ah benda-benda tiup gitu..
alyaa duk khusyuk main celup2.. hehe
alyaa tiup2 kat rumah je.. haha
terima kasih singgah sini, mak alyaa.
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