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Friday, November 20, 2009

aku mimpi lagi..

dah banyak kali aku mimpikan serangga.. atau lebih tepat, labah-labah
and it is not good ones. i was annoyed and threatened by their presents, they are everywhere near me, that makes me hard to walk pass the place i was standing. it was very 'seriau' or eerie..

they keep bugging me. i dont know why but when i come to think of it, i was rather disturbed by the feelings during the post-dream. i seldom remember my dream, like before, i dreamt about snake. only after 4 years i realised i have been dreaming for, only to grow in number, the same thing; snake!~i know this is when i go for the treatment, it was sihir and everything.

and now, the bugs are bugging me. it doesnt drive me crazy but i would really like to know about it. just wondering the hint/sign in it. hope Allah protects me from syirik/kufur. insyaAllah

here some of the meanings the net gave me:

Dream Interpretation Spider

The spider is a symbol of poisonous and sinful desires, on one hand, and an emblem of skilful and creative attitudes, on the other hand. If you dream of a spider, you'd better be honest and work hard in order to be happy and successful. To dream of a spider sitting on your skin: you need to be ready to fight provocation and worries. Sometimes a spider represents female seduction which "devours" of the male, in this case reconsider your behaviour, it may look patronizing, overprotective or demanding.

Tafsir mimpi tentang binatang

98. Mimpi melihat labah-labah
Nasib anda sangat diragukan.
99. Mimpi membersihkan sarang labah-labah
Persahabatan akan retak.
100. Mimpi melihat sarang labah labah
Jagalah perasaan anda dalam menghadapi musuh/lawan

**i'm not sure about seeing the web, but the spiders is everywhere.. and i was so afraid..

and this is what i found in ibnu sirin page, it was rather positive, but it showed that it is as how the western believe.

LABAH-LABAH *menurut Barat:

Labah-labah: Melihat labah-labah bermakna anda akan berhati-hati, bekerja dengan rajin dan menemui sukses. Labah-labah yang besar bermakna sukses yang cepat.
Tapi kalau anda dikejar atau digigit labah-labah tersebut bermakna masalah atau kesukaran dengan kejayaan tersebut.

hurm.. all in all, i pray to The LOVE, Allah who knows everything as He is the ONLY Creator and God for all. insyaAllah.


Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

Saya mimpi labah²besar berwarna kelabu memanjat badan saya dan kemudian terjatuh kelantai lalu lari megelilingi ibu dan anak saya dan terus larimemanjat dinding semula