Ahmad.. or (lebih mesra di kenali sebagai Amad) Suka sangat tengok kartun.. Ye lah. Kakak dan abang borek, Adik rintik. Haha (bukan ini yang aku nak ceritalah)
Amad, Suka sangat berpantun, gara-gara asyik sangat menonton Upin dan Ipin. Tapi Upin dan Ipin tidaklah menjadi tumpuan utama Amad, Kerana dia lebih gemarkan pengembaraan Benjamin Tennison, Atau lebih dikenali sebagai Ben Sepuluh (Ben 10) Hehe
Kes 1 : Pantun
Suatu hari, Amad bersuara;
Buah Cempedak di Luar Pagar, Tak ada pokok, sila tumbuhkan,
(dia sambung lagi)
Saya budak baru belajar, Saya berak dalam seluar.
Hahah Habis satu keluarga gelak. Iyalah, siapa sangka Amad akan berpantun secara tiba-tiba
Kes 2 : Debat lah pula…
Suatu pagi Khamis yang hening, diiring rintipan kasih sang langit lantaran kerinduan pada pancaran cinta sang mentari yang tidak kunjung tiba…Amad tersedar dari tidur.
Malam itu, kami berpelukan. Haha. Amad dimarahi ibu, dan mendakwa dihalau keluar dari bilik ibu untuk tidur di bilik aku.
“Amad bo tido bilik mok. Gi nuh tido nge kakak!!” ajuk Amad tentang bagaimana ibuku ‘menghalaunya’ keluar.
Apa-apa saja lah Amad. Kami bukan berpelukan. Haha. Aku memberi sebelah tangan aku untuk dia peluk sehinggalah dia tertidur. kasihan sungguh si Amad ni.
Pukul 4 pagi… Amad tidak senang duduk, maksud aku, tidak senang tidur. Dia asyik terjaga. Aku dengan rasa kasihan menyarankan Amad untuk pergi ke bilik ibu.
“Malah ah. Mok halau Amad”, rajuk Amad. Lalu dia sambung tidur yang berposisi entah apa-apa.
Pagi itu, berbalik pada scenario iringan hujan, Amad terus berkata-kata apabila aku bingkas bangun untuk menyeterika baju kerja ibuku.
“Kak, mok kijo pulok ko hari ni” (walhal mak aku dah cuti sehinggalah hari Khamis atau Rabu, aku lupa)
It was like tonnes of words and topics hammered my head in these couple of days. I was terribly insane out here, doing the thinking on things I bothered which sometimes I should just ignore them.
Dwelling on and on.. on those things, I think I have got to make a list so that I will not turn into a psychopath. Haha.
I still remember the night I waited so long for the bus from Kuantan to arrive and fetch me and jojo at the Hentian Kuala Terengganu. It was 2 nights ago and we were waiting until 12 midnight for it to come. When it arrived, the bus driver was shocked to know that we were waiting for the bus and he shockingly asked us where did we buy the ticket. Of course we bought at the Transnational Ticket Counter back in Langgar, Kota Bharu. Ergh! Anyhow, thank god those seats were still left empty, and the other bus driver innocently said, “here the empty seat”.. daaaa, it's ours. Of course we will sit on it. Haha... I seem like a girl with a total madness, aite? Nahh.. we dont really give a damn on what happened at that moment because we were pretty much tired of waiting.. 1 hour and a half in the cold dark night was not a pleasant moment to cherish on.
Speaking of waiting, we discussed what would appear on tomorrow's newspaper if we died. Haha. It should be “two chicks died of bored”..or “dua gadis mati kebosanan”.. haha.. we liked it. Terlalu bosan hingga membawa kepada kematian. Too bored that caused us to die. How ridiculous and very, very insane talk.
While waiting earlier, at that time we hang out at McD's, spekmataku, jojo a.k.a shumuera and I were in very deep conversation on how we perceived people.
Indah: you know what, if I were given a piece of paper with a question; “why do you like him/her? State your reason” for example, I cannot even answer that. Because I like/love you for u. what else should be the reason? If I said, I love you because you wear good clothes, does it means I don't when you were not wearing one?
Spekmataku: well, it's pretty much of how you look in the people. The reason why on earth you come to like this person. You cannot just like him. You will need to see the things he did hat what makes he is. It's the reason that makes you look deeper into that person. The way he walks, he talks, he replies and the way he carries himself. It count.
Indah: well, I agree with you. No doubt we should not abandon those particulars, but to state those reasons as the fundamental core of why I like him, is not quite alright. Those reasons should be calculated in and somehow, they make him. I still couldnt put forward the reason to love or to like or even to be friend with someone. Perhaps, I did reason it out but I come to look at him as one; himself.
Spekmataku: yeap. Sure you are. But mostly, it is sure good when someone says something about you. It showed that he cares, he put you as the major topic to think of. Everything you do did mean something in your relationship. You, as a whole.
Shuumuera: well, it seems you two shared a really interesting idea here. Hehe. So, indah I think you should find someone who you can rely on because you're fragile alright. You need a man who is matured enough to carry your relationship.
Indah: I bet it is. I am so tired to put a strong face. To take a lead and to appear superb; well, I am not that good I guess. I am really tired of putting that strong face, as if I need to do everything on my own, as if I dont need no one to rely on. Oh god, am I sick? Hahaha
shuuemura : haha. Nahh. You're cool, alright. You're great, I know. So, what about your criteria for your perfect match, spekmataku?
Indah: yeah. I bet someone who can complete you?
Spekmataku: hurm.. I .. well,... I cant find the word yet.. hurm..
Spekmataku : I want and I bet I need to find someone who can complete …. or who can end my words. Who wants to understand me and who can understand me. I'm tired of trying to understand him but did not get that from him.
Indah: well, may be you havent tried enough?
Spekmataku: I have. I think I had. Hurm.. but seriously I looked for a guy who is willing to understand me, who will be able to share and talk on the same topic, at the same level of understanding. The guy who eventually be able to end my word. …
Indah: well, insyaAllah. You're right when you say so since you are very good listener. And when you started to talk, you also need a soulmate/friend to do the same to you also..
okay that's all for today.. InsyaAllah, things will be easier and better for us and you. I wrote this because I think I should share it with the world on the things we girls dwell on, which are not only some stupid and naïve gossips around the clock. Hehe ^__^
dah banyak kali aku mimpikan serangga.. atau lebih tepat, labah-labah and it is not good ones. i was annoyed and threatened by their presents, they are everywhere near me, that makes me hard to walk pass the place i was standing. it was very 'seriau' or eerie..
they keep bugging me. i dont know why but when i come to think of it, i was rather disturbed by the feelings during the post-dream. i seldom remember my dream, like before, i dreamt about snake. only after 4 years i realised i have been dreaming for, only to grow in number, the same thing; snake!~i know this is when i go for the treatment, it was sihir and everything.
and now, the bugs are bugging me. it doesnt drive me crazy but i would really like to know about it. just wondering the hint/sign in it. hope Allah protects me from syirik/kufur. insyaAllah
The spider is a symbol of poisonous and sinful desires, on one hand, and an emblem of skilful and creative attitudes, on the other hand. If you dream of a spider, you'd better be honest and work hard in order to be happy and successful. To dream of a spider sitting on your skin: you need to be ready to fight provocation and worries. Sometimes a spider represents female seduction which "devours" of the male, in this case reconsider your behaviour, it may look patronizing, overprotective or demanding.
98. Mimpi melihat labah-labah Nasib anda sangat diragukan. 99. Mimpi membersihkan sarang labah-labah Persahabatan akan retak. 100. Mimpi melihat sarang labah labah Jagalah perasaan anda dalam menghadapi musuh/lawan
**i'm not sure about seeing the web, but the spiders is everywhere.. and i was so afraid..
and this is what i found in ibnu sirin page, it was rather positive, but it showed that it is as how the western believe.
LABAH-LABAH *menurut Barat:
Labah-labah: Melihat labah-labah bermakna anda akan berhati-hati, bekerja dengan rajin dan menemui sukses. Labah-labah yang besar bermakna sukses yang cepat. Tapi kalau anda dikejar atau digigit labah-labah tersebut bermakna masalah atau kesukaran dengan kejayaan tersebut.
hurm.. all in all, i pray to The LOVE, Allah who knows everything as He is the ONLY Creator and God for all. insyaAllah.
my heart is craving for you. you sounds so pure, so admirable, so fresh. you shall give the spirit to my soul to live on.
dear love,
you come in a variety of range. and now my heart is dying for the soulmate's. i need to find the one whom can complete me, one who owns you and is willing to share you with me.
dear love,
i am looking for you everywhere, but i had never found you yet. perhaps, i did not look hard enough, may be, i am not searching for you, at the right time, at the right place and for the right person.
right that does not mean perfect, but one who can accept me as who i am, me who has more weaknesses than strength, and is ready to explore for the mystery ahead with me..
hurm.. perhaps i should pray more to Allah, to grant these love wishes..
and perhaps, i just need to keep on trying..
p/s: i'm attending the First Steps Teaching English course in Pengkalan Chepa. and there was a man that caught my eyes, but he shows no interest in me. ehehe. sometimes i do feel that i should not aim for him,but some parts of me, being so optimistic, urge me to try to hit on him.
haha. but really, i'm not really into him. he just not a hit. not for me because i think he's already has someone. takkan la xde org lg. huhu..
well, actually,he is not really my taste. hate the part that says, "why not", "at least you try".. because i dont know my taste. fair and has beautiful hands. and has good personality and character. that's it. haha. i may be am bold and loud, but i dare not hit on somebody. i am afraid of the rejection. like any other girls would feel. huhu
This years ‘ IIUM 25th convocation, the silver jubilee, marked the end of our studying years as undergraduates. We never think that it would be so fast, 6 years together, 50 of us, we never get bored with one and another.
And for me, the wonderful memories spent together can never be forgotten and will always be cherished. I can see myself changed, personality wise and of course, physically. Hehe. Well, I was pretty much of a rebellion back then. If there’s something wrong, I would blatantly speak out my mind without hesitation, without considering how people would feel or react to my action. Sometimes, I did regret for what I do and end up crying on and on without realizing why. I just felt like crying. I was unable to see or understand myself… but now I know why… because I don’t love myself. Back then, I felt that people should appreciate and love me… but I forgot to love myself.
Not only friends, my lecturers also did notice my misbehaviors. After I played the role of Project Manager for TCW- Tesl Community Weekend, (the Intervarsity Theatre Competition which comprises our girls’ brain and action to come out with several activities besides theatre) only then, I can see Allah tested me with my patience. I was condemned so hard by all of my friends although the programme was a success. Most of them never had the experience of how a programme runs and cannot bear with my style of leadership. Well, I cannot say I am a leader type but more of a consultant. I was so down that I taught of quitting my TESL studies. My parents also suggest so, well, sarcastically. Of course my rational and my parents sarcasm of me being low self esteem and motivation failure turns me on, to react the other way around, to give me a magic strength to be redha of what happened.
Thank god, Dr. Ariffin Mamat and all representative lecturers from other university praised me for what I had come out and done. He, personally, asked me to train our junior to held such a programme. The TCW programme was still a success until now, Dr. Suhaila is still proud of it. Its nature and its cooperation it brought us apart and closer in the same time. TCW is a magical programme that brought into the magical experience.
Talking about patience, it sure had changed me a lot. And sometimes I felt so lazy to argue on things that are not necessary to fight for. It also taught me about sacrifice; not blindly sacrifice what I am and what I had, but rather on being reasonable and considerate. And yes, I learnt how to think of others, as the same as I think of me. Patience increases my rationale and empathy. Thanks Allah for the challenges. You made me become stronger each day, insyaAllah. ^__^
di sini, aku saje mau letak the senarai semak untuk aku refer. ye la.. aku perlu update tahun ini merupakan tahun yang sibuk dan membawaku kpd perubahan yang agak besar..
1. practicum ends 2. mula keje 3. masalah kuaters 4. puasa + raya 5. konvo.. yey! 6. makan pompuan? jadi rutin?
okehh.. t aku cte ek.. hehe.. sibuk pye pasal.. ni nk kne bawak adik aku makan roti cotek.. kalo nk tau apa itu roti cotek, meh datang kelantan. hihi ^___^
ini adalah update pantas kerana aku ada kelas pukul 11.15...
aku rasa sangat best dan senang di sekolah ini, cuma sedih kerana jauh dari rumah. bila dipikir2 balik, aku seharusnya bersyukur kerana ramai lagi kawan2 aku nun di sabah yang sangatlah berjauhan dari rumah dan mengajar di negeri orang semestinya. kali ini, giliran anak2 johor di hantar ke Sabah dan seorang terpisah ke Sarawak di atas sebab mengikut suami. dikatakan mengikut suami, tapi tetap di tempatkan di kawasan yang amat jauh, ye lah.. Sarawak kan luas..
aku di sini sebagai seorang guru english. orang kata, first posting, supposedly mengajar dalam 3 to 5 years in the same school. believe me, mengajar itu Okay sebab anak2 didik semuanya berpotensi dan minta dalam pelajaran, tapi kes aku kena duduk kuaters yang bercampur2 dan ramai ... menggusarkan aku. tapi aku syukur, stakat ni, semua housemates boleh dibawa berbincang dan agak bersatu pendapat. setakat ni lah..
kay.. nanti ticer nisa update lagi. dari tadi cari wireless, dekat bilik guru tak dapat tapi bila aku try di pejabat sambil fotostat, dapat pulak. hihi. alhamdulillah.. ada juga wireless free. tapi tulah.. bila update, aku type guna bahasa melayu.. hehehe... tu lah.. nasib baik tak guna bahasa kelantan. hurmm...
hari tu ada seorang budak cakap, ticer cakap bahasa bandar.. wkakaka.. ye la, bila mengajar, aku guna bahasa melayu standard together with English, because pupils here did not even understand a simple command.. like turn on the fan and the lights unless I pointed to the fan and lights.
hurmm.... kay lah. it's almost time. daaaaaaaa ^_____^
ini cerita amad. iye. adik aku yang sudah berumur 7 tahun. tapi penuh magik. haha
cerita 1
dialog bersama amad semasa my mom sedang membakar ikan.
amad : nok buh lalat dalam api ni mok.. ejak: amad! lalat tu cemar tu ... amad : basuh doh..
huhu. lalat tu dah siap basuh sebab lalat tu kotor. ape daaa...
cerita 2
dialog semasa di klinik
aku : amad nok wak gapo kertas-kertas tu? amad : amad ado rancangan. nati tengok la
amad lipat 4 keping kertas ke dalam kedua-dua belah poket seluarnya secara berpasangan.. sesampai di rumah..
aku: amad, mano ketas hok amad ado rancangan sakni? amad: uhh.. tok jadi rancangan takdi. nok keno cari idea lain.
fuhh tak tahan vocab budak ni.
..::update pantas ::..
date : 10 july 2009
subejct : English
time: 1105 - 1205 noon
venue : 5 Arif, SK Jasin, Melaka
for this last period, I used the time to do a language game with my pupils. we used 2 soft and big dices. when the dices were thrown and counted, the person who got the counting numbers (B) needed to describe about the person who threw the dices (A). They needed to make correct sentences and must only tell the truth. if their sentences were wrong, they needed to make new ones. haha. we had great fun! absolutely...
hurm.. and the time went by. I signalled the monitor to ask the others to stand up, marking the end of the period. then, the monitor called, THANK YOU, TEACHER!. When i was about to get out of the class, they made my heart sank. they shocked by by singing the LASKAR PELANGI song i posted before.
Guruku tersayang... guru tercinta..
i dont know how to react. whether to cry.. or to sing along. both seems unpractical. so, i smiled. big long smile and for sure deep inside, i HEART them.. hehe. they are so ROMANTIC and i LOVE SURPRISES. no need to presents or so, just a simple silent gesture of LOVE, APPRECIATION and RESPECT will do. They're the best!
so much so, they are all surprised when i said that i am from Kelantan. they said i dont sound like one! haha. heyy.. i'm a proud kelantanese.. ^_^
hurm.. furthermore, I received the news that i was posted to my homestate, Kelantan. hopefully, i'll get near or at my hometown's primary school. insyaALLAh.
owh, by the way, i am planning to hit Kuantan again or perhaps the Pengkalan Balok for camping this weekend. i really need the soothing sound of waves and beach serenity. anyone want to join? i'll be going with my brother, ejak and will be meeting my two friends in Kuantan. hehe..
ok. i gotta go. i need to go to TESCO now and fetch my Amad at school. ^-^
and you'll find your soulmate soon ;-) from : spekmataku, 26 April 2008
2. Epi besday kamu.may God grant all your wishes. be happy owez. da 24, tamo tdey2 k. wuv u. from : kerepekcomott, 26 April 2009
3. wishing you the best of life and moment throughout your life, May Allah bless and cepat2 dapat jodoh ameen happy 24th buffday and welcome to the club iye. from: spekmataku, 26 April 2009
4. Happy Birthday sa :-) Bilo nak ado bf? umur makin naik kna nikohs dohs join yaa :-) from: tengku ezulia (my princess) 26 April 2009
my comment:
insyaAllah. i can never lose hope may your prayers be heard and mine too ;-)
luv you
listen to this nickelback track, the lyrics poached my heart. thanks spekmataku for the dedication i really enjoyed it \(^__^)v
The holidays.. this 2 weeks school holidays are giving me opportunities to spend time with my family back in my hometown, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
i hardly heard nowadays that people talk backs about kelate anymore, there's not much prejudice and biasness no more, in fact lots of people are eager to come and visit Kelate. and ahh.. my trip back to my home from Malacca was sure hectic. There were too many accidents which included 2 upsidedown cars in separate occasions. I was so shocked seeing that. my heart is already at home at that time, so my mind was only thinking of how to get my body and things home. and before I knew it, i was already at home. hehe.. heeeppppiiiii..
so much so, my father is sick. Last time he got heart problem and now, the lung. He tends to suffoccate whenever he tried to lie and sleep. he had to sleep face down posture with higher pillow and i had to massage his back and legs until he fall asleep everyday. owh. How i pray for him to get better. 3 days passed and my father was getting better.
so, this morning, my parents' plan to take a vacation in Jogjakarta was on. so i send them to the airport. and they take their flight to KL and about 530 p.m, they messaged my sister saying they have reached Jogjakarta safely. Alhamdulillah.
as for me, i took my siblings back to the Kampung so that they can play with other cousins. they enjoyed so much of their times that Ahmad asked to get back home at Maghrib. erk.. akak tak biasa drive malam... lagipun ..hari nak hujan..
yesterday, i had brought Ili Aisyah and Ahmad to the beach, Pantai Cahaya Bulan.. at noon. haha. well, i got concrete and logic reason for them to not to go near the water and play under direct sunlight so much .... it's HOT. yerp, yesterday was a hot day in KB. and today's evening, it's raining cats and dogs.
well, for tomorrow, i aint got no particular plan. i dont know if i was able to fast or not, but one thing fore sure, i got a wedding to attend on 6th. it's my best classmate since F2, that means about 10 years back. hoho..
i got a lot of pointless things to say, but mt father's lappy wont survive long. so, before this entry could not be published due to the terminal and fatal energy error (battery low da ni), i should stop.
so much so, insyaAllah this friday i'll be Tumpat, for breakfast. hehe =)
p/s: soalan untuk jodohku tidak pernah pudar dibenak ini... siapakah kamu? di manakah kamu?
on Monday, my pupils still have exams. so, today, I want to make a free lesson, meaning that they shall enjoy performing arts instead of drilling on paper. So, I asked them to choose a story and then act it out.. within 1 hour, they managed to perform their dramas interestingly. We had a great time that day! yeay~~
my lovely darlings.. 5 Arif
nice to see, nice to hold.. pretty hard to control! very active and loud pupils! naughty larr....hihi
they are performing their drama..
the smallest child is the Elephant, using his tie as the trunk.. hihi
the farmer and his children.. heee :D
let's jump, guys!!
one more time teacherrr~~ erk.. this is library la. aiyo...
I love the fact that you guys enjoyed my class.. let's make our learning fun and memorable~~
these are their performance clips.. kindly watch if you guys have time hihi
click on the picture for larger view.tq enjoice!
****************************** msg to ae_
,_ea ot ..yako, dlo tey ton ma I ...era uoy naht regnuoy yaw neve am I ..ahahaha .. selej ngj..
..nak al eerf ylerus si kaynim kisan ..ttok rayab enk nup newak siljam nakkat ...ut kalup gnecmak nawak ..ey 2laham nad 2raseb gnay haidah kawab ..ijnaj (:...ehehehe
hehe.. da lama sangat tak update pasal skola. hari ni, most of the Malaccan Schools celebrated Teachers' day.. huhu.. and when there's teachers' day, there's presents from pupils. for sure, I dont expect anything from the pupils, but still there were for me.. huhu.. tenkiu very much.. smoga kamu diberkati.. dan belajar rajin-rajin.. semoga berjaya dunia akhirat :)
ini la antara hadiah yang aku dapat.. comey2 jer.. huhu
ni bila aku da unwrapped sume2 itu.. comeyy.. ske bangat.. arigato gozaimasu!!
ni pulak hadiah belated buffday, from adik aku, anis; the clutch and from lovely fira, the sandals import dari Bandung..hehe. thanks you guys.. you guys rock my world~~! heeeeee :D
hadiah.. hadiah.. . hadiahh.. slurrppp :) click on the pictures for larger views..
last weekend, my family, my friends and I (ayat skema gaya budak2 kelas aku) went to Kuantan for release tension. haha. ok ok. we came under unexpected plan. ad hoc one; all of us end up spending time in Kuantan. it's fun and i really enjoyed the time.
let's have fun with family and friends!! yeeehhaaa... it's almost maghrib and we 're still at the teluk cempedak.. waiting for the cempedak to fall on our laps. haha.. (bak pungguk rindukan bulan jatuh ke riba).. okeh? owh, i forgot to introduce, that my brother, ejak and my friend, sushi_me.
see, i told you.. it's the moon. haha.. just kidding. it's just some bubbles reflection up above the camera.
and this is the 3 musketeers.. dulu la. now appeared in various sizes and shape, especially me. haha
like usual, my little brother who's way taller than me, loves to manja2 wif me. adehh..macamane la dia nak dapat abang ipar kalo asyik duk berkepit memanjang. sampai ade yang bertanya, kapel ke? adehh.. dan yang tau dia tu adik, asked if he's the bongsu-est.. dia ade 5 lagi adik kat bawah tuu.. haha
tengok la kalo tak caye. this is the moment when he greeted me. haha.. ok gak. rasa la special sket. ^-^ love you always.
i just watched that movie on youtube.com uploaded by jaguarlampung43. it has 12 slots and the storyline is so unique and subtle.
i'm touched terribly by the movie. it's very refreshing and inspirational. it made me think and realise to be thankful to God for giving me opportunity to learn. yes, everybody has the right to learn. to have such motivation towards learning is so inspirational.
it gave the idea of "dare to dream" since we were given such opportunity and to realise our own potentials. it shows how we should believe in ourselves, dont doubt ourselves and anybody else's because we're learning... till death. human can change and human is a mysterious creature.
human were given power to dream, to achieve those dreams and to realise it. yeah, like the words motivation = to live with motive and take action to achieve it.
laskar pelangi is one of a kind. it has so many elements that is basic and significant in human's lives but yet, nobody pays attention to it since human tend to look at things in a very shallow ways these days.
look at Lintang. he said 'we have to have ambition, something to aim for in life'. he knew he may inherit his father's occupation as fisherman someday if anything happen, but tried so hard to "believe in himself" that he can change their lives. he has the power to believe. that's is most important in everybody's live. now look at me. (hehe). i'm in the process of finishing my Degree studies. and i now feel as if i'm aimless already to live. it's obvious that i will obtain the name as degree holder and then what? hmm.. so live life with aim. once achieved, we can never stop. aim higher and higher. it's your self fulfillment or according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Self-actualisation. you realise your character and your own potentials. you live your life to the fullest with no regret.
i saw some quote saying that "one ideal to regret is to regret for not trying".. so,dare to try.. and .. dare to dream, have the power to believe in yourself... there's always ups and downs..and that's life. life is the perfect teacher for us to attain characterised personality to live in this world and hereafter.
remember to live wisely.. as this world is the farmyard of deeds for the true life in hereafter. may barakah shimmers its light in your heart. Thanks Allah for this opportunity.
hari ni aku down gile. penat otak. sebab tadi supervisor observed aku. and aku tak perform. arghh.
eventhough she said dont take it to heart, there's still room for improvement bla bla. and me, chilling out on the surface said "it's okay madam. i'm learning. if no one positively critics me, how can i improved". hebat bukan? iye. my rational mind speaks out clearly at that time. but i was enticed to follow my heart. to scream out loud and release all the tension.
but i can only let my tears went down my cheeks when she left. but not in front of others to see how fragile i am. i'm not mad at the lower marks, i am mad at myself, for not able to give clear instruction, provide meaningful lesson as in correct grammar teaching. hellooooo! i'm an English teacher and i did not master English Grammar. come on la nisa. get a life!
tu lah prasaan aku le aku marah kat diri sendiri. aku kalo marah kat orang, aku blh rationalise balik and try to avoid them including NOT talking or seeing them so that i dont live in hatred, tapi bila aku marah kat diri sendiri (selalu gtu), cane aku nk buat? cane nk lari dari diri sendiri? cane taknak pikir pasal diri sendiri? hurm...
thanks farah yayum, arjun and ksya for your soothing talks and efforts.. it helps me a lot. ^-^ although i believe in my own concept of reverse motivation (will do better next time only if i'm better than others, not lower and if scored lower, i'll discard the effort and forget about giving any), i try my best to regain my SELF-RESPECT.
anyhow, credit to kaksya who showed me a song OST in laskar pelangi on appreciation to teachers from students. the songs really showed naivity and sincere. with that song, i remembered my students' faces who were satisfied in every lesson and happy and eager to learn from me .... in every following class i had with them. they came to me excitedly, asking what to learn next.
Regardless of my lecturer saying stuff for improvement (which i reckon needed for my own sake and will do something about it), the welcoming faces of my sweet little children will motivate me to create an interesting yet meaningful lesson in each period.
so, lets enjoy the song. hope your get the idea im seeing and saying. and dont forget to say something for me to go on in my teaching. i really2 need that. hope u guys can give me some pushing motivation. ^-^
let's go through this thing fast and furious.. hehe (teringin nk tgk cte tuh.. owh!)
ok. yesterday, we were being introduced at the assembly and right after that, we (my partner and i) were asked to take over a relief class : tahun 1 Arif. being blurred and blocked, we asked them to sing the head and shoulder knee and toes after they introduce themselves to us. we asked them to call us my the name "miss".. so alyaa will be "Miss Alyaa" and me, Miss Nisa..
so, after that, we get to meet PK1, the one who responsible to discuss and give us timetable for 11 weeks we are there. the funny thing was, we did a drawlot, to know who got to teach what year. it was a long advice and introduction by pk1 which were very interesting and meaningful for us, the newbies in this business.
after a while, it is decided that i got year 5 English and Alyaa got year 3. For local studies, we both got Year 4. how interesting~!
so, we went to search the winning teachers who get us to replace their class. hehe. upon meeting local studies' teacher, i asked him if he can show me first how to conduct his class of 4 Arif. anyhow, he agreed and i smiled widely as the the universe (hehe) since i dont need to do a lesson plan for the class. malas! haha
today, i followed him to the class. it was very enthusiastic class where he managed the students well. and the students called him ustaz. it struck me straight to my heart and soul because he doesnt appear so. he's is more like abg wan su .. hehe. more like a metrosexual but manly la. senang cite, he's very kemas and yet strict yang gentle. unik kan? hurm, i like the way he teaches those children. class control in good. i learnt so much.
and at 1205 just now, i attended English class year 5 Arif, pretty much disappointed with myself of stating the lines "ok, take out your text book". i hate those line of work but i still uses it. you know why? because i dont prepare my material yet. for this whole week, i can say my heart will not fullheartedly give efforts to make a wonderful and meaningful lesson, something that is out of the text book. insyaAllah next week will be better.
although tomorrow i have (i mean the whole malacca) holiday, i still have classes on Thursday and Friday. dont forget the football meeting on 16th april. huhu
right now, i feel like going to recreational park or have some sweat-pouring activity. huhu. because i have too many sleep in my comfy one-room.. hehe.. oh ya, just now, i just finish the buddy-assistance for eTems teachers. haha.. it was an amazing experience to teach senior teachers about English. alhamdulillah the teachers are all friendly and welcoming. thanks Allah.
and now, i just feel like sleeping. but seeing the computer with internet, i feel like writing..keep updating.. since it might help me for my reflection in practicum portfolio. ^-^
last but not least, i want to wite a letter to a heart;
dear heart,
i really wish that i can say it straight to you, that i miss you, because everything in my mind is about you, my heart palpitate insanely rapid, that ache the chest i couldnt bare to hold..
i miss you so much, but i dont have the gut to tell you so.. i want to love you, because i feel it's okay to open my heart for you, but i dont know you'll love me back or not, and i'm afraid that i'll lose you.. or you'll leave or even hurt me..
this feeling is annoyingly sweet, that i couldnt even erase your voice in my head which already runs in my blood to my heart..
although i'd never met you, you seems so near to me, as if i can see through the distance the smile you have for me.
believe me, i smile whenever i think of you.. my heart ^-^
kami memang suka beriadah di waktu petang lebih-lebih lagi di taman bukit serindit, melaka.
iye.. kami masih muda.. baru 24tahun.. hahahahaha
ini cinta kami.. (gambar hiasan jer ngeh ngeh ngeh)
aku pun serupa mahu bercinta.. tetapi aku sangat malu.. hinggakan baya-chan ketawa berbahak-bahak.. hihi ^0^
kami bertiga seakan chiken chop. chicken chop xsedap dimakan tanpa gravy/sauce nye dan mesti dimakan dengan fork and spoon.. kalo tidak, tak sedap. begitulah kami.. tanpa salah seorang.. dunia seakan malap.. fahamlah sape chicken, sape gravy, sape fork and spoon.. yang penting kami = chicken chop yang sedap. atau boleh di umpamakan seperti keenakan semulajadi ayam di Kenny Roger's.. (drooling..) slurp!
ohya, walau kami bertiga ni serious blogger, namun hanya mereka berdua yang sangat rajin menulis.. saya hanya suka membaca dan mengomen dan berfikir tentang menulis.. tapi.. hanya di dalam minda.. tidak direalisasikan sebab .. ntah. hihi
ohya, ini cerita di serindit. huhu.. masa tengah jalan sorang2 untuk satu pusingan, saya terserempak seorang perempuan middle-aged, pakai baju hijau kaler macam the one dalam blog mr.kueh, tapi tulisan nye amat ketara perbezaan nye.
it shows C.I.A ganas kan? tapi di bawahnya tertera
jeng jeng jeng
Certainly I'm Available
hahaha terus saya gelak sorang2. dah la masa tu masa saya rasa malu-malu. kih kih kih ape da...
dan masa aerobik atau jogging atau jalan.. saya juga kerap kali terserempak dengan seorang lelaki yang kalo dari jauh kelihatan seperti Enrique Iglesias, iye.. siap dengan taik yang paling comel atas muka bumi ini.. mestilah taik lalat..
sungguh tak tipu. dengan perasaan kagum, saya pura-pura tak nampak dia tu, sebab mahukan kepastian, pernah sama jogging dan terserempak (iye la jogging bertentangan arah)..maka baru lah terperasan yang dia ni Enrique versi melayu..
mujur tak mintak autograph je.. hehehe
aerobik sangatlah best.. tapi itu hari sangan penat, hanya mampu main2 tangkap gambar dan gelak kuat-kuat dengan perasaan malu berkeliaran didalam hati.. keh keh keh..
ohya, ini petang akan saya naik lori bersama housemate saya untuk membawa diri ke jasin. kami pindah sebab kami ditempatkan untuk berpraktikum di SK Jasin. dokan kami ye. baya, kamu jangan lupa saya ye. kamu tu selalu sibuk je memanjang.. mirah.. datang la umah aku di Jasin, bawak skali budak baya tu sama itu gadis ayu Sushi dan Farah.. hihi
ok lah.. saya mahu sambung mengemas. babai... ohya.. C.I.A~~~
exam baru je habis. air mata masih ada ni. sungguh.
sangat sedih sbb td last paper last for the whole 6 years together sedih sbb byk sgt memory bersama tak boleh diungkap dengan kata perasaan tidak dpt didefinisikan.
apa pun aku akan tetap sayang kamu sume TESL girls IIUM/IPPM
i just came back from Kota Bharu to malacca this morning.. i took an 8pm bus ride and arrived at 620am at melaka central. so, i'm here. hehehe
it had been a joyful week for me to be back to my hometown. i had a time-out with my siblings at the river front as well as beaches alongside northen Kelantan. i just love nature and serene scene. ^-^
so much so, on 6th April straight to 9th, my friends and I will sit for our final exam as undergraduates. this is the last exam of 6 years studying for B.Ed TESL. it's been tremendous efforts and experiences for us which at last has come to an end. hopefully, this final exam will offer and grant us excellency academically, mentally and spiritually.
and starting 13th april, my partner and i will start teaching in 3months teaching practicum in SK Jasin, Malacca. so, we're moving out from our house in central malacca on 10th or 11th. we're not able to online for about a week or so, says my mother, as streamyx takes time to be transferred to.
and according to plan, we'll be posted to our permanent school shortly after practicum, which is on 1st August 2009. i hope to get a school which is at or nearer to my hometown and that's suits me, insya-Allah.
and on October, insya-Allah, we will be handed in our scroll of B.Ed TESL at IIUM by Tuanku Sultan Pahang for our Convocation Ceremony.
InsyaALLAH, everything will be better..
so girls, dont quit and keep on struggling.. live life to the fullest and get all the best! Keep a strong head up, young ladies! ^-^
p/s: hope to fill in the "tarikh kawen" also in this 2009 planner. huhu (gedik!)
*********************************************************** here is the video shoot at the river front, of ahmad and ili became the tourism promoter for the river front.. haha.. it's 10am and we went there right after breakfast of "Roti Cotek" ^-^
and i really hope that ahmad will recover from his on-and-off fever...
sleep sitting.. poor lovely and smart ahmad. he said he dont like people calling him Afdhal.. because they tend to pronounce it as Afdhol.. and he'd been called names like "beledo"(jelly/agar-agar) huhu ^-^ he just dont like to be called names.. no one does..
I wanted to post my reflection letter regarding my two institutions..
Differences between IIUM and XYZ (my teacher trainee college)
IIUM is way beyond XYZ in many aspects; that is why I believe that these 2 institutions are incomparable. One thing they shared is the common knowledge transfer via teaching and learning process which both of them has their own limitations and strengths in resources available for students.
Looking back on the factors, these two world-apart institutions have their own issues in dealing with students. IIUM serves better when it comes to infrastructure, teaching stuffs, knowledge distribution ranging from plain information to the spiritual delicacies and of course the just-right-learning environment. In fact, IIUM especially INSTED has includes TESLians in their schedules and programmes as if we were as important as any other students; despite we were thrown here and there when we were in XYZ. We felt very much appreciated and respected by all the IIUM community and as a matter of fact, TESL students were acknowledged and recognized with high integrity as its own established entity. The community upholds TESL students as if the name ‘TESL’ has been carved into their heart and mind which whenever and whoever speaks of TESL, nothing devious are spoken of. Basically, TESL students and its names are very well accepted into the community and bring about good reputation among others.
Infrastructure aspect is way beyond compare between IIUM and XYZ. We all knew it but perhaps I could explain more on how the infrastructure help us TESLians in the studies. Basically, good environment with spaces of tranquility and serene environment can soothe our emotional state of being to become logical in handling stress. Water fronts, river that flows, smart architecture of buildings and nature design help us building inner strength to love and learn better. It helps us to rejuvenate ideas as well as finding our true self. The memory of enjoying ourselves at sport complex which has Olympic sized swimming pool, gymnasium, jogging track, tennis court, volley ball and basketball court and so many other had given such an enormous impact on me, personally. There I find my true self, actively indulge in sports as well as strengthen friendships and ukhuwah in the community. Canoeing in the lake and biking up on the hills as well as watching The Drift on certain occasions had given me the feeling of joy and gayness. The food is another amazing story. Whenever we are stressed out or had an appetite change, we never ran out of ideas in trying new delicacies especially Italian or Turkish delight. Every range of food is available inside and outside IIUM, just name it. We were really happy to have the taste of variety of food before coming to back to this secluded XYZ.
Truthfully, we will never feel entirely left out when we were in IIUM as there were so many activities and programmes to be discovered now and then. Not to forget the Mahallah or the hostel. The infrastructure is incredible and our privacy is taken care of. Each student was provided with a compartment and trust me, it is beautiful and comfortable yet simple; again far beyond compare of any facilities XYZ can offer. The services and facilities are top notch; since some of us are trusted to become leaders of Mahallah Representatives as well as Students Representative Counsel. Our voices are never nuisance and every words are counted as long as we fight for our rights. The administrator might be sometimes rigid, but when the religion is concerned, students’ right are never been neglected.
Enough with all the boastful experiences which I guarantee, are beyond compare to any other trainee colleges especially XYZ. That is why I have told earlier, these two separate institutions should never be compared to. However, perhaps this will do us good in some way, Insya-Allah.
Apparently, XYZ had been holding grudges to TESLians for some reason that we were not quite sure. Buzzing bees did tell us why but it did not seem logical; they say we are proud of ourselves to become an English person with blue eyes and speaking English with irrational pride. Our voices are never been heard of unless we channeled it to media in order to seek attention. XYZ lacks in rapport with students, instead just reporting what students should and should not do; just like a married couple who live with no happiness; just plain you-say-I-do method. The XYZ never recognized TESL students as their asset but rather as a pest that is annoyingly existed outside their doors. They never welcome us, even when we first set our steps in here. It would be a big bluff if I say there was no one that cared for us, thank Gracious God for giving us strong-willed lecturers, who may want to hear, I really mean, only hear our voices. At least, we were accepted back then, by some people.
Speaking of infrastructure, we, TESLians had been fighting for so long that it seems to tire us, so that XYZ can improvised its appearance. Back then, we even fight through BPG, newspaper and all, so that XYZ can be changed for the better. Old dusty buildings malfunctianal-ly left out to become history in its own names. That is when Allah sends new director of XYZ who entertained TESLians and recognized our potential for future leaders. She helped us figured out what need to be changed since we believed that changes are crucial to the orthodox XYZ mindset. As one of my lecturers once said that “the things we always do are not supposedly right, therefore, we must make it right so that we can always do the right thing”.
Truthfully, no one saw and felt what TESLians had. We were accused of everything wrong and never other students. We were always highlighted as the brute beast who did not know how to follow stupid orders like “no drama making with male attire”, “pretend you are okay even if you dying-ly sick”, “pretend you are bad girl even if you are attending prayers 5 times a day to BISA”, “do not run if you were chased by angry lecturer”, “do not put a strong face when you were scolded” and so many others. May be these were seen as little bugs to an adult, but to a coming of age teenagers, it was a big deal.
Hence, being portrayed as villains to the community had subsequently bonded us even stronger. We managed to decrease our affection to XYZ without jeopardizing our studies and maintaining our rapport with lecturers. Our deeds had never been highlighted, just as I thought, such as Usrah programme in BISA, creation of cohort uniform, Cyber café and later internet in library, extra resources in library, and air-conditioned classes as well as flourishing XYZ name all over Malacca through choir performances. The hostel, of shall I say, the small shared rooms with limitation to water sources were real hard to live with, but we survived and it taught us the meaning of friendship and sacrifice. We valued our friendship so much because friends will help us out during in search for water as early as 4 in the morning. Sometimes, we went to class with toothbrush so that we can brush our teeth when there was no water at all. Perhaps, indirectly, God give us the chance to learn the living skill of “live life to the fullest while you can” that God eventually granted our wishes to have absolute ideal place such as IIUM in our lives.
Teaching and learning process which took place in IIUM and XYZ are quite the same. IIUM offers a wider range of possible lecturers to teach us including from Institute of Education (INSTED), CELPAD, IRK and Human Sciences’ kulliyyah. In IIUM, we can have lectures from foreign countries and get to know some. One of them is Dr.Kabuye Uthman Sulaiman who teaches us UNGS 2030-2050. He said that “UIA is no doubt the best place in Malaysia but many never realize that until they leave it. While in UIA one is continuously reminded about Allah". That is the best thing about IIUM. We were always reminded of how to be good Muslims, not just good teachers. No doubt that teaching is sacred profession, but we are human, no one is spiritually vacuum. IIUM is the best place in Malaysia if you ever want to get closer to Allah. The atmosphere is just there. All lessons are guided through Islamic perspective, not at the end of it, rather, were always reminded and guided through lesson. Despite our ignorance in fashion, lecturers will try their best to remind us of love for Islam and ourselves. Not only the food for stomach is served but also the food for the heart and soul are also taken care of. We also had close relationships with lecturers especially Dr.Ariffin Mamat who responsible for Student Affairs of INSTED. He will always give full support to our activities despite all the hardships to get through the paperwork but he believes that TESL can perform better and better. He personally congratulated our TESL Community Weekend (TCW) Programme which successfully gathered 4 other TESL-BPG students from UITM, UKM, UUM, UPM to attend a theater competition and IIUM De Tour. He was so pleased to see the optimum human potential put forward to execute such a big programme by none other than 50 TESLian Cohort 2, all young ladies! Despite our indulgences with teaching and learning and students’ activities, we were also entrusted to become the BEDSA (Bachelor of Education Student Association) leaders and committee, by executing programmes and maintaining students’ welfare as well as building good rapport with others including administrators.
Activities such as theaters, unique performances, Sisters’ Night, Talk on comparative religion, translation of quran, love and religion, and all kinds of programme brought about changes in me personally. As Madam Zainon said earlier last week that I have “toned down”, yes, as all the experiences had taken a deep impact on me which help me out in many unresolved conflicts I brought from XYZ. So, spiritually speaking, amount of knowledge gained is countless which profoundly indulged in me.
The resources in IIUM are amazing. Not just lecturers are kind enough to provide ample consultation hours for us but also the vast amount of books available in the superb library. Sometimes, when we were having assignments and examinations, library is no doubt the place for tranquility as well as for group discussions. The condusive atmosphere and the great services and facilities are very much appreciated, not like XYZ’s who are not easily talk to and hard to get help when searching for materials. Aside from the mainstream subjects we had to take, we were also required to take Quran classes, halaqah, leadership and parenting classes. The knowledge gained is immense. I appreciate the opportunity God had given me to taste such happiness with so much to gain.
I think it would be better to stop writing because it seems that I am favouring one to the other. I am not saying that XYZ is all that bad because I can see the improvement that had been made and I truly appreciate it. But what I want to see is the spirit of unity and a sense of belonging to this XYZ without prejudging and neglecting certain group of students. Administration need to acknowledge TESLians as being taught in XYZ and should try to be proud of it. We even represented XYZ to perform choir all around Malacca for the sake of XYZ’s name. Even the Chief Minister congratulated us for what we did.
All in all, both faculties inspire us in their own ways and the fact that we are able to adapt to the expectation is what others should see, not condemn. We believe we had everything in utmost effort and we love to ASK for reasons because we cannot follow blindly to anything suggested, and that does not mean that we're rebellious. Accept us for who we are and guide us.. not guard us because we're no children anymore. ^-^
p/s: we love the experience, learning together, about life, teaching and love, make us stronger each day to face any obstacles.. go go chaiyok! (mind the lousy spelling and grammar)