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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

bodoh ke?!

ni sbb aku buat prangai sekali lagi..
di mana aku malas nak pikir idea baru utk diketengahkan,
aku kopi + pes ape yg aku tulis in response kat blog Jawapan Cinta
dlm entrinya yang membincangkan perihal...

"mengenengahkan hujah kpd org bodoh itu mudah,
namun sukar untuk membuat dirinya mengakui akan kebenarannya"

dan dlm bahasa arab, perkataan 'jahil' itu membawa maksud 'bodoh'
dalam bahasa melayu.
dan begitulah lebih kurang...

sesungguhnya nk cr org bodoh itu adalah sukar..

sbb manusia ade akal. cuma tak mahu guna. bodoh itu terlalu subjective.

org tak mahu trima sbb mrk tak mahu pikir ataupun mrk dlm kejahilan di mana mereka memilih utk tidak terlibat dlm melakukan sebarang benda2 yg poyo (kebaikan)

sampai ada yg takut nk buat yg benar, sampai ada yang takut nk even menderma.. hahah. manusia

mengikut kajian kes, cikgu2 tak boleh / dilarang sama skali utk cakap murid2 seorang yang bodoh. sbb budak2 tu ada potensi masing2.

sesunggunya bodoh tu tak wujud jika masyarakat blaja untuk berfikir. dan bila berfikir, manusia akan jadi kritikal dan kreatif secara tak langsung.
sy suka kata2 tu, tp jahil adalah tak sama dgn bodoh. huhu. sy rs lah. sbb jahil ni lebih bersifat tidak tahu walhal bodoh lebih bersifat tidak tahu nak fikir macamana (more prone to dungu) huhu

jadi, cane nk buat org jahil mengakui kebenaran, ialah dgn membuatnya berfikir. salah satu cara ialah dengan mengenengahkan hujah terbabit secara istiqamah (berterusan) dan yang paling penting, dgn cara berhikmah... serta penampilan dan pembawakan org yg mengenengahkan hujah itu juga haruslah dijaga [role model].. barulah dia MAHU berfikir.

dan yang paling tak suka bila diorg ckp, "tak dapat hidayah lagi" .. ini adalah jawapan sangat TAK BETUL dan ini cerita lain..
dan yang paling penting, cikgu2 tak boleh anggap murid2/pelajar2 nya bodoh sbb setiap manusia ni unik. ada potensi tersendiri. tugas cikgu ialah meng'arah'kan (directing) potensi terbabit kepada kebenaran smoga tidak disalahguna di samping mengasah bakat2 mereka kerana mereka bukan bodoh tapi mereka

"tak tahu yang mereka tak tahu"

dan di sini, sy ingin berterima kasih kepada sofwah
kerana menyedarkan sy bahawa perkataan 'murid'
dalam bahasa melayu adalah adaptasi perkataan 'mureed' [rootword: uridu]
dalam bhs arab yg membawa maksud 'yang berkehendak'...

wahh.. rase enlightened!

Okeh. maaf kalau lari context.
salam. Ramadhan Kareem. \(^v^)/

p/s: bodoh sombong=tak mahu tahu yang mereka tak tahu sebab mereka buat-buat tahu dan prasan tahu. hoho :D

Monday, September 22, 2008

get married? seriusly?

last night, i chatted with my e-friend through YM.

this friend is a he.
He said that it's good for me to become a teacher.
i agreed but changed the statement to :

it's good for me to get married! :D

haha. he said "aihh.. gatal nk kawen, da ade calon ke??"

well, confidently I said, NOPE!
what the..?? how can i get married if no one to get married with? hurm.. this is serius! hahaha

then he said, "better asks your mom to find one for you"
then i replied, " i already asked, but she said...aihh, sape nk kawen ni?? awk ke sy?"

i added that my mom was the one who keep asking me whether i already have the partner-in-my-life-to-be or not. well, sarcastically i replied "aihh.. sape nk kawen ni?? mak ke sy?! hahaha


he said my mom is "sempoi".. haha..
like daughter like mother..erk!
huhu ^-^

there will be times; things happened when we least expect it. so, always be ready!
u'll never know u'll receive an invitation to my wedding! sooner or later, i leave it to Allah.
Yaqin with His mercy, Ukhuwah Fillah!


penangan tak sahur!

treet. treet.

"Tolong kejutkan beta sahur ye.. tq.. hikhik hik" 2.38 pg 22ramadan. ni msg dr adik aku yg prasan nak bermanja2 dgn aku, si kakak yang chantek manis. hehe [prashan!!]

henset ku yg paling klasik iaitu 3310i ku setkan alarm 430pg, confident blh bangun
sebab bunyinye amatlah kuat, dan ku lelapkan mata pukul 3.04pg slps memakai stokin
akibat trauma kesejukan melampau mengelak semput dan selsema.

aku xlena sgt tdo sbb asyik duk mimpi pasal esemen 'lesson plan' yg mana antara penyebab aku tdo lewat, di samping aktiviti bermain cakap2 ayam berak kapur dengan rakan2 seluruh alam.

tiba taba aku sedar, bunyi bising anak2 rumah sebelah duk main ngn kucing, aku bingkas dari tempat tidurku. aku tengok jam pc aku yg masih menyala, 5.45pg. wah! menarik gle sbb aku tak sahur!! menarik ke hape?!!

pelik.. nape jam henfon aku yg canggih tu xbunyi?? aku check.. dan check.. mata terkebil2 cuba digest kul bpe mse tu. huh??! kul 1750? ape kes?? sape yg set jam aku nihh... aduhh [cuba salahkan org laen la pulak!] hahaha

perkara pertama aku terpikir, isk, taknak jadik macam Yahudi. amalan pose diorg ialah tak sahur dan berbuka di lewat2kan. isk. taknakkk [aksi mcm iklan taknak isap rokok yg patah tu]

longlai seharian kalo xmandi nih. trus aku g mandi dan sempat meminta doa diberikan kekuatan.. hurm. okla kot puasa hari ni. xde la LARA sgt sbb ..penat, longlai. hihi

hehe.. sempat je aku g jalan2 kat kedai buku Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka kat Taman Chempaka dekat ngn Tesco Melaka.. beli buku "Di Atas Sajadah Cinta" hasil karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy, novelist yg tulis cte "Ayat-ayat Cinta".. hehe

isk. ble pulak aku nk baca buku ni?
Cte "Sabriel" karya Garth Nix pun tak abes2 lagikk.. aduhh

huhu slmt buka! [entry santai utk tubuh yg longlai]... ^-^

p/s: tenkiu encik Wiki sbb bagi sy hyperlink-kan. hehe

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Masalah So Sial Negara, Masalah kita..

jangan biar anak bangsa dijamah setan.. dijamu lelaki durjana dan wanita penggoda..
itu hanya UMPAN dunia utk ke tempat yg lebih AZAB..

Sebab aku takde modal dan malas nk tulis idea baru utk post baru aku, aku ingat aku nk sebarkn dunia my response to Hamka's blog kat cni. sbb aku rs cam penting dan baik utk kesihatan sahsiah anak bangsa dr segi ke-So-Sial-annya.

this is what i see, i think shud be..

aku percayakan asas yg kuat tentang islam dr kecik, dr family yg dpt tolong bakal2 penzina utk xbuat zina.

sbb da ade strong foundation tentang value seorg insan yg juga khalifah. jarang yg berfoundation kukuh jatuh ke lembah maksiat bersama lelaki durjana kerana nafsu serapah semata..

kerana mereka tahu, Allah ade.. keluarga mereka ade utk mereka. mereka sedar mereka hidup utk ape, dan lelaki durjana/ wanita penggoda hanyalah UMPAN dunia.

yang penting, BASIC FOUNDATION dlm memahami konsep ISLAM yg amatlah melindungi muslimin dan muslimat.

bukan shj konsep, malah cara solat, minat terhadap agama, bacaan quran dan peraturan2 yg basic perlu diterapkan kpd anak2 sejak skola rendah.

pemakaian menutup aurat adalah basic kpd perasaan MALU anak2 nnt besar kelak. bukan stakat prasaan malu, prasaan bhw lelaki bukan muhrim TAK BERHAK mengamati auratnya yg begitu BERHARGA dan sbg PERHIASAN utk suami kelak dpt juga diterapkan. yg penting, mesti pandai menjaga AIB dan HAK.

dan aku sedey, tgk mak2,ayah2 yg ske tgk anak2 diorg wears in style/berfashinista yg menCOLOK mata.. hish..

pegi jalan2, mak ayah bertudung litup,berkopiah putih, tapi anak.. hmm.. ibubapa yg mencorak anak, jgn duk ikut saje anak tu, sbb bukan anak yg lebeh tahu tentang idup ni.. mereka perlukan GUIDE dr ibubapa.

ibubapa skrg prasan moden, open-minded.. open la sgt spi baju anak koyak rabak, tunjuk sane2.. takpe.. Takpe la sgt, takpe sbb mak ayah nk masuk syurga.. anak.. lantak lah? gtu? sayang lah anak.. bukan dunia je yg kte kejar.. ajaklah anak same2 join mak ayah yg nk masuk syurga, masuk syurga sama.

satu lagi bab solat. hurm.. skrg ade trend, bukan stakat xjemaah n solat akhir waktu je skrg ni.. tp yg jenis ske/senang gle qada' solat. susah sket atau TERRRlewat krn masalah2 teknikal, Qada' je la. xusaha dulu pegi solat/cari surau yang terdekat. setahu aku. Qada solat xde dlm ISLAM, tu hanye utk sedapkan hati sbb da xblh sgt nk solat pd mase tu [tlg btolkan kalo aku salah, ni teguran ustaz aku mase sekola dulu]..

yg penting .. qada solat sbb malas /susah sket nk solat mse tu adalah salah mse tu. yg kes aku plg benci.. ialah bilamana budak2 wataniah/askar2 pegi masuk hutan. most TAK solat.. sbb susah. aiyo.. cane nk pertahankan negara kalo pertahanan KURANG dlm BASIC SOLAT?? xde keberkatan org kate. same la PLKN dulu time bwh naugan 100% askar, sbb budak2 lpsan SPM tu x d paksa solat tp kne cr ruang sdiri kalo nk solat. ape kes?? nk bina anak bangsa, tp solat cr sdiri? ape.. solat tak wajib tapi men2 tu wajib? boleh bina negara/maximise human capital ke gtu? seb baek skrg da OK sket.. kot!

biase la. kalo kte nk berdakwah atau nmpk lebeh islamic sket, da d cop extremist.. tapi kalo yg huha huha kat kelab malam, tonggang arak, berzina dsb, takpe. haiii pemimpin, berat tanggungjwab anda nk pikul dosa2 ni. xpadan kot ngn income berjuta2, mati jugak akhirnye dan bakal disoal:

ape yg kamu da buat utk negara kamu bilamana Kami da bagi peluang utk kamu make a difference to uphold ISLAM?

kalo licik sgt, maka beranilah..utk membenarkan mungkar, menentang kebenaran.

sesungguhnya amar makruf senang, nahi mungkar tu yg selalu NEHI HE..xmo buat, berat sgt, biar rakyat pk sendiri bla bla bla..

tahu tak extreme tu ade 2 hujung? satu yang ter-over2 spi gusar diri blh bawak tak hingga blh membawa kpd sesat dsb dan satu lagi extreme yang tidak buat langsung?

so, jgn salah anggap tgk orang berturban, celak dan wanita berpurdah tu dikatakan extreme walhal yg pakai baju koyak rabak, ibadah langsung tinggal.. tu lagi la extreme!

hehe.. emo pulak.

sy pernah baca yg islam xske extreme. segala changes yg nk dibuat mestilah wasatiah (kesederhaan) dan istiqamah (gradually), even cara hidup..

permisi. salah pe pe tegur ye.
salam ramadhan. -salam-

p/s: dan aku harap aku mampu didik anak bangsa to sama2 make THE changes dgn aku jd CIKGU kelak. insyaALLAH

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Teach My Grandson

Teach My Grandson Teacher - Gently, If You Can

My grandson starts school today. It's going to be strange and new to him for a while, and I wish you would sort of treat him gently.

You see, up to now, he's been king of the roost -- he's been boss of the backyard. His mom, dad, and Grandma have always been around to repair his wounds, and soothe his feelings.

But now things are going to be different! This morning he's going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand, and start out on a great adventure... it's an adventure that might take him across the continent... it's an adventure that might include wars and strategy and sorrow.

To live his live in this world, will require faith and love and courage. So teacher, I pray you will take him by his young hand and teach him the things he will have to know.

Teach my grandson teacher -- but gently, if you can. He will have to learn, I know, that not all men are just, that not all men are true.

But teach him also, that for every scounderel, there is a hero.. that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader. Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend.

It will take time teacher, I know, but teach my grandson, if you can, that a nickel earned is far more value than a dollar found... teach him to learn to lose... and to enjoy winning.

Steer him away from envy, if you can, and teach him the secret of quiet laughter.

Let my grandson learn early that the bullies are the easiest people to lick.. teach him, if you can, the wonder of books... but also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on a green hill.

In school, teacher, teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat... teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him that he is wrong... teach him to be gentle with gentle people and tough with tough people.

Try to give my grandson strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is getting on the bandwagon... teach him to listen to all men... but, teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.

Teach my grandson teacher.. but gently if you can, how to laugh when he is sad... teach him there is no shame in tears... teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success.

Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob... and to stand and fight if he thinks he is right.

Teach him to scoff at cynics and to beware of too much sweetness.. teach him to sell his brawn and brains to the highest bidders but, never, never, put a price tag on his heart and soul.

Treat my grandson gently, teacher, but don't coddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.. let him have the courage to be impatient... let him have the patience to be brave.

Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself. Because then he will have sublime faith in God and Mankind.

This is a tall order, teacher, but please help him if you can do. You see, he's such a nice little fellow... my grandson.

Teach my grandson, teacher.. but gently if you can.

Adapted from Thomas Halbert

Friday, September 12, 2008

rasuah di jalanan

We’re waiting at the traffic light when 3 flashes smeared the atmosphere. There were three cars chase over the other and I personally think; those cars chase over the red light. Haha… it absolutely pay off when they have to pay about RM300 for the fine. They’ve been flashed and snapped for that.

Me and Jo just watched it happened and …

Me: owh. They just simply flashed and snapped the picture of the car and claimed for fine later on. Very simple. Hurm.. my brother had once experience this kinda of, but he was chased by the policeman who already awaiting for the misbehavior-ed cars. Huhu

Jo: owh.. my father had also been stopped by policeman when he overtook on double-lane road. But, he managed to escape by saying sorry, and reasoned it out. Thank God, he was let go by next moment.

Me: just imagine, if the policeman tried to ask for “duit kopi” (promoting bribery)

Jo: well, I personally think that we shouldn’t support..

Me: hurm.. can we say.. “isk.. encik nak ke duit ni? Duit ni haram ni kalo saya bagi”.

Jo: hoho.. pedas jugak tu… And kalo dia terus keluarkan buku saman dia?

Me: saya sanggup je bayar dari subahat/beri rasuah. Kadang orang yang kasi dan orang yang mintak ni tak sedar yang sbenarnya itu adalah RASUAH.

So, janganlah anda support rasuah. Rasuah pembunuhiman terkemuka!

p/s: Dan kami sampai agak lewat untuk bertarawikh.. nasib baik imam buat 20..dan to those cars.. byk2 la cari duit ye.. boleh buat bayar saman.. da kalo langgar lampu isyarat da jadi hobi sangat!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Jojo & Indah.. and the new camera~

yeah.. JoJo and InDAh..

semalam 6hb g pusat sains negara.. 50 TESLians buat field trip ke sana utk lihat ape approach2 yg diorg buat untuk mendekati and educate children and public about science and technology.. generally... disseminating the knowlegde..

best! the trip there is soooo meaningful for me as I nearly lost my new couple of days camera... huk huk.. the entrance of Pusat Sains Negara, Bukit Damansara

the moment i entered the PSN, i felt as a kid again.. the feeling to maen2 and captured beautiful images was set in my mind already.. well, i need to enhance the skill.. hehe

so much of play inside the PSN, as i entered the bus when we are nearly moving out of the PSN, i suddenly feel the urge to check my handbag (actually, i've felt the instinct to check it before, just right after i left my camera on the desk at level 2)... and i abruptly running to my group members, asking if they've mistakenly put my camera inside their handbag.. there's NONE.. nowhere to be found...

so, i decide to search the PSN.. i asked Jo to accompany me and i swiftly running into the building... to surau, to all the level 1 sections, to toilet... there's nowhere to be seen.. and Jo suggested upstairs, level 2 coz i only used her camera after we went down from the Noble Prize section...

half way to level 2, a chinese uncle called us, (he had observed me running here and there), asking what we're searching for... and we say "camera"... he said, "i have one".. he pulled it out from his pocket.. and i saw... IT'S MINE!!.. then he asked, "what brand?" then i said " Olympus" so he ask me to check whether there's my picture in there or not. of course it's in there!.. it's MINE!! :D weeeeeeeeeee

the first thing i think of is.. "alhamdulillah"...thanks ALLAH for listening to my prayer of Doa untuk memudahkan sebarang urusan:

"Allahummala sahla illa ma ja'al tahu sahla(n)wa anta taj'alul hazna iza shi'ta sahla"
"Ya Allah, tidak ada kemudahan kecuali sesuatu yang Engkau permudahkan, Engkau menjadikan kedukaan itu mudah sekiranya Engkau kehendaki"

dan tidak lupa juga doa kawan2 TESL 50 org yang brsama berusaha memohon keberkatan di bulan ramadhan al-mubarak ini...

we thanked the uncles (the other one came when i already get my camera) who found my camera and me, with hati yang high... ehh.. pacing very fast and when we're out of the 1st section of PSN, the PSN workers asked "where did you find it?".. and we said.. "pakcik.. ade uncle yang jumpa"... then out of blue, one of them said.. "ha.. tu duit halal"... aku dgn hati yg berkata "alhamdulillah", suddenly uttered "insya-Allah".. i meant it both, syukur dpt harta yg halal.. dan dgn izin Allah dpt harta yg halal.. insya-Allah..

thank you ALLAH...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

the journey~

It started when we planned to go back to KB and MLK together.

early morning of 3rd september 2008, right after subuh prayer , mR.Em already waited for me in front of my house. he's very enthusiastic upon this drive to KL! i wonder why.. hahaha
and after that we went to Jo's house to pick her up and zooommm... the car moved towards the sunshine.. hehe.. towards the route to KL.. and remember, we're heading on to MLK.. huhu

we talked and main teka-teki cerdik along the way... as well as listen to nasyid's CD and some English POP songs which rotate for so many times and also ... i tried to use my new 1 day old camera during the journey. snap here and there.. i notice that couldnt captured the best image i used to when using others' camera. when it's mine, i suddenly lose it. huhu.. and of ocurse mR.eM keep nagging me of dunno how to use a camera appropriately.. haha

so much so, when we have a few stops to relax and cool ourselves (as our journey demands no rush), Jo was offered to drive this yellow car. fuhh... she was so thrilled that she could not stop smiling.. hahaha.. she smiles SHININGLY... hehehe :D she drove the car from to Raub smoothly but when the car enters the town, it seemed that she could not control the clucth.. (notice that this car is a racing car and it rather different from normal car)..

so, me, feeling envious of Jo, wanted to try it too and mR.eM gave a green light to me... :D weeeee
well, i only drove from Raub to Bentong/Karak but i'm satisfied..weee... it was so smooth when overtaking other cars.. and also i felt so fresh when i can drive in high speed yet carefully follow the route as mR.eM already doze off (krohhh krohhh) beside me.. aiyoOoo

then mR.eM took over when we reached Karak and we arrived in UIAM at noon. after solat and all, we went to Jusco Wangsa Maju to do a little shopping or retail theraphy to buy some time before break fast in cheras. in Jusco, we all berjaya menangkap hasil tangkapan masing2, Mr.Em dgn sandal, Jo dgn blause (2 pasang) and me dpt tangkap satu trousers...

then, we went to game site at level 2.. and we played GONG.. i mean Chinese Drum tu.. i tatau name pe.. tapi yg penting, aku memang tatau maen.. hahaha.. maen ketuk je.. mR.eM just tgk je gelagat dua bakal cikgu jd budak2 skolahh.. hehe
dan saat yg plg penting is ... the moment when kitorg bertiga maen LINKED BASKETBALL .. ye ye .. best sbb aku menang nombor satuuuuuu.. winnerrr... mR.eM nye basketball rusak, sian.. dan die pegi tolong Jo sumbat bola dalam basket.. aku ni da la pendek, terkontang kanting sorang duk cuba jaya nk sumbat basket tu ... hahaha.. yang penting aku menanggg dgn score 78.. weeeeeeeeeeeee ;D

then, aku and Jo pegi shopping makanan kegemaran ktorg, TAKOYAKI TAO.. best nyerr...slurppp.. dan aku beli extra SUSHI... yum yum!! habes belikan kueh sket utk dibawa ke rumah Mrs.Em, kitorg gerak ke Cheras..

kat sane.. we all buke pose ngan pizza DOMINOS... waahhh.. best nye CLASSIFIED CHICKEN.. cheesyyy.....dah tu, sempat traweh sblm balik ke MLK... aduhh.. penat glerrr... the moment i entered the car, i cannot further speak. Too tired to do anything...i slept all the way to MLK which only took mR.eM about 1hour from KL.. he maneuvered the car so fast because we still have to submit our unfinished assignment tomorrow at noon. Tenkiu tenkiu... hehehe...

the yellow car soon out of my sight at the moment i locked the gate and turned back to get to the house at 11.11pm...

gOOd nyte! wassalam

Selamat berIbadah di bulan Ramadan.. ^-^

Monday, September 1, 2008


mak aku kate aku ske bebel... btol ke?
alamak.. cane nih..
xske bebel...